Spring has finally sprung at Western,  and man does it ever feel good on my soul!  The grass is greening up, the trees are sprouting tiny leaves and the flowers are in full bloom.   And most importantly love is in the air!  I was just thinking how happy I was to be shooting at Western University again, when  Betsy and Andrew rolled up ready for an epic evening of laughs, gorgeous light and even a little light trespassing.  😉 . Stylish, full of welcoming smiles, I knew we were in for an amazing evening.  Western University campus is one of my favourite in all of Ontario.  The historic buildings, the well manicured grounds and the way that golden light falls across the campus.  It all sets the scene for a romantic setting where two young and in love people can forget about everything but their connection for each other.

engagement, photography, photographer, wesley, western, university, photos, couples, inspiration, Forbes, love, pinterest,

The connection!

Like most couples, Betsy and Andrew had mentioned that they were a little uncomfortable in front of the camera.  But soon after we chatted for a few minutes and shook out the nerves, we were off to an incredible start!  They fell into the moment so naturally that it made it easy to see why these two are planning on being married soon.

engagement, photography, photographer, wesley, western, university, photos, couples, inspiration, Forbes, love, pinterest, formal, golden hour, intimate, gorgeous, best, venue, wedding, photographer, Ontario

engagement, photography, photographer, wesley, western, university, photos, couples, inspiration, Forbes, love, pinterest, formal, golden hour, intimate, gorgeous, best, venue, wedding, photographer, Ontario

Western University, London Ontario –

What a great location for this time of year.  School campuses are always alive and bustling, especially this close to the summer break.  And I really feel that we had tapped into that energy!

engagement, photography, photographer, wesley, western, university, photos, couples, inspiration, Forbes, love, pinterest, formal, golden hour, intimate, gorgeous, best, venue, wedding, photographer, Ontario

engagement, photography, photographer, wesley, western, university, photos, couples, inspiration, Forbes, love, pinterest, formal, golden hour, intimate, gorgeous, best, venue, wedding, photographer, Ontario

And because I am a sucker for a great Black and white photo!

engagement, photography, photographer, wesley, western, university, photos, couples, inspiration, Forbes, love, pinterest, formal, golden hour, intimate, gorgeous, best, venue, wedding, photographer, Ontario

I have been craving some inspiring light with an exceptional couple and did this evening at Western University ever deliver!

engagement, photography, photographer, wesley, western, university, photos, couples, inspiration, Forbes, love, pinterest, formal, golden hour, intimate, gorgeous, best, venue, wedding, photographer, Ontario

engagement, photography, photographer, wesley, western, university, photos, couples, inspiration, Forbes, love, pinterest, formal, golden hour, intimate, gorgeous, best, venue, wedding, photographer, Ontario

I’m also a massive fan of all things stone.  And because we don’t live in a country with too many castles, I will gladly make use of our gorgeous University grounds.  I am so thankful That London Ontario has one of the nicest!

engagement, photography, photographer, wesley, western, university, photos, couples, inspiration, Forbes, love, pinterest, formal, golden hour, intimate, gorgeous, best, venue, wedding, photographer, Ontarioengagement, photography, photographer, wesley, western, university, photos, couples, inspiration, Forbes, love, pinterest, formal, golden hour, intimate, gorgeous, best, venue, wedding, photographer, Ontario

And lets not forget the beautiful Magnolia trees!!  Now what you don’t see is that I am perched on a dumpster to get up high to get an angle that I like for these photos.  Thankfully I didn’t fall in!

engagement, photography, photographer, wesley, western, university, photos, couples, inspiration, Forbes, love, pinterest, formal, golden hour, intimate, gorgeous, best, venue, wedding, photographer, Ontario

spring, love, wesley, forbes, London, Onatrio, Western, University, engagement, Photos, photographer, photography, love, god, inspiration, pinterest

And then we quickly popped over to Brescia college’s campus.  Now at this point Betsy has been wearing these heels for almost two hours and we were doing some high intensity cardio and lots of jumping fences and climbing hills.  But the trooper she is, we kept going strong and I am so happy we did because we hit the jackpot for golden hour light!  And anyone who knows me, knows how excited I get over a great sunset and some golden light!!spring, love, wesley, forbes, London, Onatrio, Western, University, engagement, Photos, photographer, photography, love, god, inspiration, pinterestspring, love, wesley, forbes, London, Onatrio, Western, University, engagement, Photos, photographer, photography, love, god, inspiration, pinterest

So glad spring is off to such an amazing start.  Later this month I have some more great news and projects coming up so stay tuned!!!

To see the full gallery click here.





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